5 steps to the SAP key user concept
Step-by-step guide: All aspects explained clearly including templates

Are you facing the challenge of introducing a company-wide SAP key user concept? Is there a lack of clarity in your company about exactly how the role of a key user should be organised, what tasks it involves and what responsibilities go with it?

Time is running out, especially in light of the upcoming S/4HANA migration. But don’t worry – our whitepaper (PDF) offers you a step-by-step guide to developing and successfully implementing your customised SAP key user concept in just five steps.

"Just as astronauts undergo intensive training before their mission, SAP key users need thorough preparation to maintain a clear view of the complex SAP universe. Our whitepaper serves as your orbital training to ensure that your key users are well prepared when it comes to successfully landing the company mission."
Maximilian Stark
Systemic Consultant

After reading and completing the ‘SAP Key User Concept PDF’, you will be able to answer the following key questions:

  • Why is it important to implement SAP Key Users?
  • How are the tasks for SAP key users selected? What tasks and roles can they take on?
  • What criteria should be considered when selecting the right person(s)? What framework conditions are required and what characteristics should they fulfil??
  • What is the 3-point training approach for SAP key users? Which specialised information and which technical training courses are useful? How can they be supported in their soft skills and in their multiplier tasks?
  • How is the work of SAP key users evaluated and assessed? What standards do we want to establish in order to guarantee a sustainable SAP key user concept? How can a smooth exchange between the IT and business departments be ensured? What problems do SAP key users often have to contend with?

The ‘SAP Key User Concept PDF’ enables you to develop an SAP Key User Concept step by step. Each chapter not only provides valuable information, but also suitable reflection questions to help you identify and answer your individual requirements and needs. The result is a concept that not only works, but also fulfils the specific requirements of your company. Give your company the clear structure it needs for a successful S/4HANA migration. Use the exclusive ‘SAP Key User Concept PDF’ and shape the future of your company today.


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