SAP RRICB Optimizer

Automate your Intercompany Service Billing process with our SAP RRICB Add-on

How the SAP RRICB Optimizer improves the standard SAP RRICB Process

If you are using SAP ERP (ECC 6.0, S/4HANA, …), you already have everything in place to automate your Intercompany Accounting processes and procedures. SAP Resource-Related InterCompany Billing (SAP RRICB) is a standard SAP ERP function to generate invoices between units within a corporate group, complying with legal and internal invoice requirements. You use this function to generate invoices between units within a corporate group. You need to do this if the unit that receives an order does not deliver the service, but the product is instead delivered by another unit that is within the same organisation but in a different company code. In addition to the customer invoice, the system can generate an intercompany (IC) invoice for the supplier to bill the seller. You can also generate IC invoices if there are multiple intermediaries within the same group that need to bill each other for their participation in processing a sales order.

In addition to this standard available SAP RRICB function, we created the SAP RRICB Optimizer. This SAP Add-on enables you to get the most from SAP Resource-Related InterCompany Billing.

Our Solution

Request a live-demo of PIKON’s SAP RRICB Optimizer and learn how to easily generate invoices between units within a corporate group. You can also request a quotation if desired.


Features of the SAP RRICB Optimizer

  • Allocation across the entire organisation, including cost objects that are not available in the SAP standard (such as internal order settlements, cost centre assessments, manual cost allocation, etc.)
  • Validation rules between the issuing and the receiving affiliate, preventing double contracts to be created between these two legal entities and verifying which services can be executed by/for which legal entities
  • Another function prevents multiple contracts being created between the same affiliates
  • Reposting of currency differences
  • EDI functionality to ensure postings in the receiving company are reflected automatically


Feel free to contact us!

Daniel Schneider-Ortscheit
Daniel Schneider-Ortscheit
Customer Success Manager